Vintage Roseville Pottery
Your best source for information about Vintage Roseville Pottery from Zanesville, Ohio
The original Roseville Pottery Company distributed their ceramic products across the world from Zanesville, Ohio before it was forced into bankruptcy in 1954. Today, many thousands of people collect and cherish these often valuable and rare items. The links below will help you learn about various aspects of that company that set the standard for ceramic home decor for decades.
Uncover the history of one of the largest and most famous pottery companies ever to exist.
Factory Marks and Labels
Throughout its long history, Roseville Pottery used a variety of systems for labeling their products. Learn about them here!
Artist Marks
Hand-decorated pieces were often signed by the artists. Learn how to identify the artists from their marks.
Color Names
Find the actual color names used by Roseville pottery to describe their various lines
Biography of Frank Ferrell
Frank Ferrel designed every line for Roseville Pottery for over 30 years. This is his story.
Line and Shape Guide
With so many lines, its easy to get confused. This guide can help you sort it out!
Sell Your Roseville
We are always looking to buy vintage and antique Roseville Pottery!
Buy Certified Vintage Roseville
Never worry about fakes again. Certified Roseville Pottery is here!
Top 5 Roseville books
Here are reviews of our top 5 books that belong in the library of every collector.