Frequently asked questions.
I thought Roseville Pottery was no longer in business?
Roseville Pottery has had a variety of owners, been produced in different locations and factories, and has had a number of designers and management throughout the years. Although Roseville Pottery stopped production for a number of years, production has once again resumed under the latest owners.
Are the new products that are being produced real authentic Roseville Pottery?
The simple answer is yes, they are authentic. The USPTO has awarded the Roseville trademarks to The Kings Fortune LLC, and as such, we are the only entity with the full right to produce and sell Roseville Pottery. This is the exact same authority that allowed Roseville to produce and market their pottery in Zanesville Ohio in the first half of the last century.
Are your products being made overseas?
Absolutely not. All of our products are made right here in the USA, and are all composed of components from the USA, even down to the clay, kaolin, flint, and sand. There is nothing even remotely “foreign” in Roseville Pottery.
Why did you obtain the Trademarks?
The Kings Fortune LLC has been in the business of antique sales for well over a decade, and in that time we were frustrated by some unscrupulous practices. Beginning in the late 1980’s, a few dealers and auction houses began contracting with Chinese factories to produce and import poor quality copies of popular Roseville patterns with the intention of deceiving collectors and the buying public by offering them as antiques. This continued for well over 30 years. By obtaining the trademarks, we were able to end that practice and have received high praise from honest dealers and collectors for doing so.
Why are you making Roseville Pottery?
We initially began a very limited production because in order to obtain the trademarks, we are legally required to be in the business of manufacturing and marketing of Roseville Pottery. We are also required to continue to do so as an ongoing concern. We are continuing to grow and expand the business, as many collectors have embraced our philosophy and goals. It has also been said many times that our production keeps the brand alive in the eyes of the public, and exposes an entire new generation to the works of the company throughout it’s rich history.
Someone said your products are just fakes. Are they right?
The answer is an unequivocal no. There are many people out there on the internet that believe that somehow they are the final authority with the right to decide for everyone else whether something is authentic. But they are completely wrong. The trademarks give the Kings Fortune LLC the exclusive right to use the Roseville Pottery brand, and by definition our products simply cannot be fake, counterfeit, or reproductions. Additionally, we ensure that most products that we produce from original molds are clearly marked in the mold on the base with both the year and a designation of “Retro” to ensure that collectors and buyers know when the piece was produced. Some products such as Capri or Pasadena may carry the original marks in the mold, but our glaze treatments are quite different from those originally produced, and for all intents and purposes they are a different product. We want to both protect the collector market, as well as raise brand awareness for a whole new generation.